Searching #77: Images - POST

1. The Santa on page 10 of the Christmas Category.

2. The Flickr site is a good site for searching pictures. There are a lot of pictures and images on there which would make a great place to look. Another Picture website I liked was the site. has access to over 3 billion images and is really easy to use.

3. The picture I picked is MONEY since we're in closing the old budget to get ready for the new budget.

Credit to Jupiterimages Corporation.

Searching #76: Sound Effects - POST

The three animals that I picked are COYOTE , RATTLESNAKE , and DONKEY .

The 3 sounds I picked are 2001 : A Space Odyssey , JAWS , STAR WARS.

Searching #75: Google and Beyond - POST

I seem to always use google as the main search engine. I made three queries and ended up choosing all three search engines. After this I will try to use the other search engines a little more.

Google seems to be the biggest search engine in the web as the other top 2 don't even come close to it. I knew google was big, but didn't think it was that far ahead of the other search engines.

When I clicked on the google link for the search, I did not realize that you can search all types criteria and patents. I like the feature that bing has where you can preview the website before you click on it.